What To Wear For Engagement Photos | The Invitations Maker

What To Wear On Your Engagement Photos

Of course, you want to look stunning in your engagement photos. Those photos will be used on your wedding invitations, save the date, wedding day, or even be displayed on your first home. So how can you get the best look in your engagement photos?

Aside from a great photographer, good location, and perfect lighting, one of the things that make a great photo is your outfit. You are the subject of the photo – the highlight of the scene. When they look at your engagement photos, all eyes will be on you. Any other element in your photo will just complement the whole picture. 

Your outfit is a crucial part of your engagement photos. By this time, you might already be stressing over what to wear on your engagement shoot. Here are some tips that can help you out:

1. Complement each other but don’t match.

Coordinate with your partner. Make sure that your outfits will complement each other. It doesn’t need to be color-coded or matching as it will not look natural in photos. Although we are aiming for a perfect look, we still want to keep a genuine mood. Pick outfits that will go well with each other, just like how each of you complements each other.

2. Follow a color scheme.

Although we mentioned not to be color-coded, it is still ideal to follow a color scheme. This doesn’t mean that you have to use a single color for both of your outfits. You can wear outfits under the same color family, or set a color palette that you will follow for the aesthetics of your photos. This will keep all elements on your photos look unified. When you view all your photos after your engagement shoot, it will all look complementing. You wouldn’t want the final look of your whole album to be like a collection of random photos.

3. Wear outfits that reflect your personality.

More than anything else, your outfits should be a reflection of your personality. Engagement photos are an essential part of your wedding journey. Keep it personalized. How can it be YOUR engagement photos if it doesn’t show your personalities? Also, if you choose outfits that are not your style, you might not feel comfortable wearing them.

4. Prioritize comfort.

Aside from the style and the overall look of your outfit, comfort should also be a priority. You’ll have trouble slaying an outfit that you’re not comfortable in. No matter how stunning it looks, if you feel uneasy wearing it, it will not look good in the photos. Also, comfort is important especially if you will be shooting in multiple locations or if you will be having a whole-day shoot session.

Don’t forget the best accessory – your smile.

Once you’ve already chosen your best outfit for your engagement shoot, don’t forget your most important accessory – your smile. Preparing for a wedding is stressful enough. Loosen up and remember that the most important part of your look that you need to have on your engagement photos is your beautiful smile – one that shows how happy you are to be with the love of your life.